In and Out of Translation: A Conversation with Author and Translator
The Alliance is delighted to welcome back award-winning author Jake Hinkson, in conversation with translator Sophie Aslanides for a lively panel discussion that will address the art and challenges of translation and writing, the role and responsibility of the translator, the cross-cultural capacity and function of genre, and much more!
Learn more »Gustave Caillebotte: Painting His World
Gustave Caillebotte is probably the least known of the Impressionists circle due to his short life, and the fact that his paintings remained for years in his brother’s collection. Although his gift to the French state in 1894 was the foundation of today’s Musée d’Orsay, Caillebotte’s revolutionary ideas about depicting modern life subjects, his altogether groundbreaking paintings of men at work, play, and even toweling off after a bath, continue to appeal and surprise.
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